Whenever I have korker bows in Maceys’ hair people always ask if I made them. And then when I say I did they have this shocked look on their face. It’s not hard people. So I’m going to share with you all how to make korker bows.
First you wrap grosgrain ribbon around wood dowels. If you have wide ribbon you want a wider dowel, smaller ribbon a smaller width dowel. Then your going to clamp the ends with a clothespin. Put it in the oven at 275 degrees for 25 minutes. If I’m just doing one bow it usually fits in the toaster oven.
Then you take your hair clippy and use hot glue to line it with ribbon. I get mine at Sally Beauty Supply.
Then when your ribbon is done baking you line up the ribbon and cut it down to size. I did mine at about 2.25 inches.
Line up your little bundles of ribbon with elastic underneath and then tie the elastic tight around the ribbon.
Then you hot glue your little corker ribbon bundles onto your hair clippies. Touch up the ends with Fray Check so they don’t fray out on you (duh, I know). And there you have some cute piggy tail bows!
These are adorable! I’m helping with a baby shower for a girl I visit teach, and we’re making hair bows for our activity. I want to do these corker bows, but I was wondering what kind of ribbon can be used? You used the Grosgrain, do I need to use that or are their other types that will work?
I also use regular satin ribbon for Korkers, but you do need to spray them good with either starch or hair spray as they don’t stay “korked” as long if you don’t and I even ocassionally wash them and have to spray them again. This however is not hard and only takes a minute. Bows like clothes do get dirty, lol
Do you spray them with starch before you bake them, or after? Do you need to wet the dowel or ribbon before they go in the oven so they don’t burn? Thx
hola me gusta mucho hacer cosas con cintas pero no se como sellar los extremos para que no se deshaga , veo que estedes ponen que dando un toque con fray check no se deshace , pero yo no se que es eso soy española y me gustaria saber lo que es y donde lo puedo comprar serian tan amables de contestarme gracias . un saludo
Hi Teresa! I bought the fray check from Wal-mart. You can also light a candle and put the end of your ribbon near the flame and that will seal the end also. Good luck!
Thanks for the tutorials…I made bows for my daughter years ago and now she wants me to make them for my granddaughters and I had forgotten how. Besides, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cute animal ones…so perfect for precious little girls. And the Korkers!!!! Always bought them cause I never knew how to get the ribbon to stay curled!
Wish I had seen your web site a couple weeks ago. I just paid $$$$ for tutorials for bows.
Thank you thank you! I have always wanted to learn how to make these, now I do! So tired of paying the big bucks at the mall for these. 🙂
I love these and I have been reading the questions and answers posted here.
I just would like to clarify if you need to spray the ribbon first or after. Will the ribbon burn?
Anyway thanks for sharing this information. It is great. I have two little girls and now they will have many more hair clips to chose from.
Cheers, Kally
Do you spray them with starch before you bake them, or after? Do you need to wet the dowel or ribbon before they go in the oven?
I just roll the ribbon on the dowel and stick them in the oven. No starch or wetting the dowel is needed. The wood clothes pins and dowel do turn a darker coler. Just keep an eye on it.
I wanted to ask if the oven temperature is 275 Celsius or Fahrenheit ?
Thanks for your help!
I think ovens in America are by Fahrenheit.
Do korker grosgrain ever lose Its shape?
No it dosen’t as long as you cook it long enough and let it cool on the stick.