Happy New Years everyone! I love the new year. Christmas is all put away and the stress of what to give everyone is gone. It’s time to start over new and re-evaluate what we really want in life. Every year I always have the same goals. Work on food storage, build up savings, exercise more regularly . . that kind of thing. But then I got to thinking, what do I really want? And ya know what, I want to decorate my house this year. We have lived here for six years and I really haven’t done a whole lot with it for two different reasons, number one, I didn’t know what I wanted and number two I didn’t want to spend money on it only to find out it doesn’t really go, or I don’t like it. But thanks to the blogging world I have come across so many home decor blogs I think I have finally figured out what style of decor I like and how to do it on the cheap frugally. I’m talking about repainting old furniture, hanging up curtains and that kind of thing. I’m excited for this year and the opportunity I have to make this house more of a home for my family.
On to my jar filler post. Do you remember my post last year about using salt as jar filler? If you don’t that’s okay I’ll recap for you. You take salt, pour it in a bag and add a few drops of food coloring and you get this pretty jar filler. I made yellow salt and put a cute little Easter bird on top.
So I got to thinking about putting something into jars that can go under candles, BUT I didn’t want to pay for those expensive marbles that you get at the craft or home decorating stores. The solution, BEANS! I know, you probably think I’m a dork. But here’s the great part, it matches the decor in the bathroom and it was {FREE}. Those beans needed to get rotated out of food storage anyways. So then I got to thinking about putting a few white roses in my bedroom, but beans don’t match. The solution? RICE! Yes, I’m a little crazy, but hey, you can’t beat free and I think you can’t really tell unless you look really close.
Also, I never posted a final picture of Justin’s blanket. I did get it finished in time for Christmas with a few days to spare. I love how soft and manly it is. He loves it because it has all of his favorite T-shirts on it and it’s super warm. I made the pattern for it myself which is why it’s pretty basic – I can’t stand to sit and try to figure out seam allowances and yardage and stuff like that. Math never was my thing. Anyways, I love the grey flannel shirting fabric that I found at the fabric store, it goes really good with the grey fleece backing. I quilted this myself with a walking foot that I got for my birthday. Don’t look at it too close the lines aren’t perfectly straight.
Linking to: Craft-O-Maniac, Skip to My Lou, This & That