Kitchen Wall Art

Lately I’ve been more interested in decorating my home than in Christmas projects.  In my kitchen I wanted something cute to hang up on the wall and I came across a blog that had a utensil set glued onto a frame.  I loved it.  So I set off to the thrift store for utensils.  They were a whoppng ten cents a piece.  I bought the frame for five dollars and the fabric I had leftover from my laundry room curtains.  Then I used E6000 to glue it together.  I love it! It’s a little bit countryish but not over the top rustic country.  I love it, love it, love it!

Linking to: 30 Days, Creation Corner

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Christmas Cards – Check


In years past I have gone all out for Christmas Cards.  Stamping, cutting out, and coloring them by hand.  Now I wonder why the heck I went to all that trouble.  At Costco you can get 50 cards (envelopes included) for ten dollars.  I saved even more money by taking the girls pictures myself.  I don’t think I’ll ever go back to doing them the hard (and more expensive) way.  I’m glad I’ve got Christmas cards checked off my list.  And they turned out soo stinkin’ cute if I do say so myself.

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Homemade Baby Food Plus a Casualty

Maddy paddy eats a lot. And I mean A LOT.  I’ve mostly fed her mashed up bananas and pureed fruits and steamed veggies but I thought it would be interesting to see just how much more baby food costs compared to homemade.  In the beginning I was going to be all mathematical about this and figure it out ounce per ounce penny for penny but you’ll see why that idea all went out the window.  At Lin’s right now they have yams on sale for fifty eight cents per pound.  I picked up two big huge ones.  4.24 pounds total to be exact and paid $2.46.  I came home, put the baby down for a nap, Macey was at preschool, everything was going good.  I turned on my ipod and was jamming out peeling the yams and then chopping them up and throwing them in the pot when all of a sudden {WHAM!} I chopped the tip of my finger off.  I don’t mean just the tip, I mean the top fourth of an inch or more.  I couldn’t bring myself to look at it.  I knew it was bad.  So I grabbed the kitchen towel, wrapped it up, picked up my sleeping baby, who was not so happy to be woken up from her nap and hopped in the truck and went to the local instacare.  There really wasn’t a whole lot that could be done for it other than clean it out and put antibiotics on it and wrap it up with a mile of gauze.

Isn’t it lovely?  Sigh.  I’ll spare you my whinyness of how hard it is to change diapers, do dishes, etc. 

I came home and finished up the chopping, cooking and pureeing.  But I really wasn’t in the mood for weighing and comparing and all that jazz.  So my conclusion is that it’s more expensive to make baby food if you calculate in a thirty dollar doctor copay.  Maybe next time I’ll just buy the nutrient void, sugar filled baby food.

Well, not really.  I just need to be more careful. 

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{CUTE} Turkey Bows!

I FINALLY found some cute turkey bows on the internet.  Funky Polka Dot Giraffe has tons of cute bows in her etsy shop (and reasonably priced might I add.)  I had all the supplies on hand so I tried to copy them the best I could.  I could of sworn I had some skinny red ribbon to do the gobbler thingy with.  I think we go through ribbon like we go through toilet paper.  Anyhow, now my girls have some cute bows to wear around.  I’m excited to make her snowman bow.  She posted a tutorial on how to do it on a How Does She.  But for now I’m glad Macey can quit wearing that funny felt turkey bow that she loved soo much.  At her preschool they learned a song and it goes like this “Turkey feathers, turkey feathers, bright. lee. colored. bright. lee. colored.”  So she had to sing me the song when she saw her new turkey bows.  I love that kid.

I love this kid too.

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What’s Happenin’



This whole time change thing has thrown me for a loop. Usually in the afternoon is when I get to spend some time on projects and things.   But with the time change I am exhausted in the afternoon.  Hopefully this week goes better than last.  I did get a few things done.   Craftily Ever After has a {FREE!} Thanksgiving printable which is soo cute!  I’m usually not a fan of the burlap fad but it seems to go well with the rusticness of Thanksgiving.   

 I finally got the fabric cut out for Macey and Maddys denim blankets.  I made a big huge denim rag blanket a few months ago and it is awesome for laying out on the grass.  So I’m going to make two smaller ones for the girls for camping and picnics and stuff.  Macey saw the fabric and loves the ladybug print on it so I’m hoping that she forgets about it by the time Christmas comes.  I have a “project plan” this year so that {hopefully} I can get everything finished BEFORE Christmas.   I’ve already made quite a few things that I really want to post but I can’t because that would ruin the surprise for some people.  So anyways, I’m working on stuff, just not stuff I can show off.  Blog to ya soon!

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Turkey Bows

Don’t laugh at my turkey bows too hard.  Justin says they look like peanuts with feathers.  I was trying to copy Nancy’s Gobble Gobble clips but I don’t have fabric glue on hand so I used the hot glue gun and got a little carried away with the ribbon feathers.  Another cute turkey bow is this yo-yo one, but I don’t have a small button coverer, just a big one. Maybe I’ll have to try this one again later.  But on the other hand, Macey likes them, so that’s all that matters.

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Baby Legs Tutorial

Making baby legs is a project I’ve had in the back of my mind for awhile.  I hadn’t really pushed the idea and gone out looking for supplies, but when I was at Target last week I noticed that they had knee high socks for $1.  Woot, woot! That’s a deal too good to pass up!  And it beats the pants off of these.  I saw a tutorial on someones blog a long time ago and I vaguely remembered the steps.  I think there were a few more steps to her tutorial than I have to mine. But hey, the easier the better, right?

So here we have two pairs of knee high socks.  One for Maddy and one for her friend.

Square up your socks and cut just above the heel.

Like so.

Take your raw edge and fold it in a half of an inch.  Then on your sewing machine your going to set it to the knit stitch.  If you do a straight stitch the seam will pop if you put them on a baby with fat legs – like mine.  The knit stitch will allow it to streeetch. Once you’ve done that, you’re all done! I’m all about the easy sewing projects lately. 

Linking to: 30days and Tatertots and Jello

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My Thoughts on Christmas

The following is a research paper I wrote in high school about Christmas. 

The day after Thanksgiving begins the holiday season with a mad shopping spree.  Stores open earlier allowing consumers to spend more money.  It marks the beginning of ‘Consumas’ or ‘Giftmas’ also know as the Christmas season, it has turned into an over-commercialized holiday.  The traditions and the meaning of the season have been lost in all the hype of the world.  Corporations are marketing holiday paraphenalia at a reasonable price and making a nice profit for themselves.  This is turning Christmas into a consumer driven celebration.

How Christmas Began

Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ.  The annual celebration of the nativity scene didn’t begin until the fourth century.  Because there wasn’t one religion that would agree exactly which day Jesus Christ was born on Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth will be celebrated on December 25th, in 350.  Easter is the most important Christian holiday in that it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, but a U.S. News/Bozell poll stated that church-goers believe Christmas is the most significant Christian holiday.  There are many who believe that Christmas is a “Christianization” of a pagan festival called Saturnalia.

Pagans vs. Puritans

The Puritans have clearly stated that “Christmas was nothing but a pagan festival covered with a Christian veneer (Sheler, 60).  The Pagans celebrate the Godess of Nature on December 25, by drinking, feasting, partying, and exchanging elaborate gifts with each other.  It is belieed that when Pope Julius I declared December 25 as the birthday of Christ, he was doing the Pagan Romans a favor and combining the two holidays.  There is a lot of controversy today about who celebrated Christmas first, the Lutherans or the Catholics.  Pagans are worldly people who celebrate their wealth, many of our traditions have originated from the Pagans such as the gift-giving, and the feasting, and making merry of the day with worldy decorations, instead of nativity scenes.  The American culture has taken Pagan ideas and has expounded on them.  The Puritans have opposite beliefs of the Pagans.  They believe that the focus of Christmas should be on Christ and the have named Santa Clause the Anti-Christ, because he has pushed Jesus out of the Christmas picture.  Santa Cclause is a mythical character who believes in justice (giving only to good girls an boys, not bad ones) and Jesus is a real person who believes in unconditional love, and mercy.

Traditions That Come from Religion

Traditions are important during the holidays because it brings structure and religious values in families (Brazelton, 46).  Many of our Christmas rituals have originated from long ago, and some have been recently added.  In ancient Rome Mummers were a group of costumed eople who would travel from house to house and sing to entertain their neighbors.  From this the tradition of caroling was born.  agans believed that Hollyberries were a food of the Gods, and have stayed a symbol of Christmas since.  Evergreen trees in homes is to serve as a reminder to the people in the house that their crop would soon grow again, and also served as good luck.  Some beliee that trees in the home remind us of the true tree of life, Christ.  There are many traditions that come from ancient history.  Some fo the newer traditions that American culture has adopted are Santa Clause and modern Christmas storeis boasting the ‘real meaning of Christmas’.  These traditions are being fueld by big corporations out to make more money.

Christmas is Now Over Commercialized

In 1939 President Franklin Roosevelt moved the Thanksgiving feast from November 30 to November 23, the fourth Thursdey of every November.  After the depression sales had gone down so much that allowing more time to the seasons would help boost the economy.  “The shopping seasons now pumps and eestimated $37 billion into the nation’s economy – making the American Christmas larger than the gross national product of Ireland.” (Sheler, 64).

Christmas is a holiday that is deeply rooted in the marketplace.  Historians are searching for a time when Christmas was as commercialized as it is now and they are starting to find out that Christmas was never really about Christ’s birth but more about seasonal traditions.  These seasonal traditions have grown and hanged shape into most of our current traditions that revolve around money.  Even the tradition of Santa Clause is a current invention!

Santa Claus

Santa Claus was invented by Dr. Clement Clark Moore when he wrote a poem in 1822 called “A Visit from St. Nicholas.”  This popular poem begins “Twas’ the night before Christmas . . . ” It was from this peom that the idea of eight flying reindeer, and the tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace, and Santa traveling up and down chimneys originated from.  In his famous peom he also described how Santa Claus looks.  It wasn’t until Thomas Nast painted pictures to go along with Moores poem that ideas of what Santa Claus looks like came about.  Nast added even more folklore to Moores poem, with illustrations depicting Santa Claus living at the North Pole, his workshops full of elves making toys, and Santa Clauses list of all the good and bad children in the world.  In 1931 Coca-Cola made a contributon to the picture of the modern Santa Claus.  They advertised a human-sized Santa drinking a human sized coke (contrary to Moores poem about Santa being miniature. (Bucher)  Not much later the film Miracle on 34th Street was produced and has become a TV tradition to air during the holiday season.  This helped lead Christmas into the commerical age of Christmas.  It associated buying with Santa Clause, and major department stores such as Macys.

Since then buying has turned into a huge tradition with many roots.  Some say from the three wise men bringing the Christ child Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, and some say it’s because Christmas is a Pagan holiday.  Whatever the reason for the gifts, Christmas bring in major revenues for big businesses.

Traditions Can Help Take the Commercialism out of Christmas

Traditions such as picking out the Christmas tree as a family, and making presents for one another can encourage family togetherness.  Dr. Brazelton suggests that “Occasions for buying present help us to gain more knowledge about each other.”  While trying to figure out what to get for someone you have to think about their likes and dislikes.  This can encourage people to get to know more about each other in selecting a present for them.

The Grinch’s Realization

“And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore,

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!

“Maybe Christmas” he thought, “Doesn’t come form a store.

Maybe Christmas . . . perhaps means a little bit more!”

Dr. Seuss, 1957

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Happy Halloween!

As you all know, and I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about, I’m looking for fun traditions to start with my girls for the holidays.  One that I remember my mom doing is pizza dinner on Halloween night.  I really like that one so I did a homemade pizza dinner, but it needed a special sort of a dessert to go with it.  Dirt cups seem to be the easiest, no-bake, low-fuss solution.  All it is, in case you don’t already know, is chocolate pudding in the bottom of a cup with crushed (or in this case pulverized in the food processor) oreos on top with gummy worms dangling around.  Macey loved it, daddy loved it, I say it’s a dessert we will do with Halloween dinner again and again.  So I want to know, do you have fun Halloween traditions?  I want to hear about them.  What about Thanksgiving?  Macey is finally at the age where she is really understanding holidays and I want to make it fun for her – something that she will remember from one year to the next.  And of course it’s fun for me too to see the holidays through her eyes.

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Two Little Fairies

Macey is enjoying every minute of all these Halloween parties in her little fairy dress.  She had a party at school that she got to wear her dress to and she absolutly {LOVED} it.  Then tonight we had a ward Halloween party and tommorow night is the trunk-r-treat.  Whew! By the time this is over I am going to be all Halloweened out! But Macey is enjoying it and it’s fun to see her start to understand and have fun with the holidays.  Maddy on the other hand couldn’t stand the fairy wings for more than 10 minutes.  I’ve almost got a Christmas present finished and about three or four more to go.  So I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Halloween!

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