Scripture Stickers

I got a {NEW} set of scriptures! I absolutely LOVE my seminary scriptures. They are full of great insights and markings but they were falling apart, there was no more room to write in them and they had my maiden name on them. I’ve been married for almost eight years now – I think it’s time for scriptures with my married name on them. After I got my new scriptures I wanted to mark all of the scripture mastery scriptures in them because they are like the “Top 100” greatest scriptures. Right? So I was thinking about these stickers, but I don’t like the font or the color. So I made my OWN set of scripture stickers! In my seminary class we would write the key words of the scripture mastery scripture in the margins in big bold red pencil like this. . .

And that’s great and all if you’re in high school. But now that I have a nice big (quad) expensive set of scriptures I wanted a way to mark them, but a little bit classier, so this is what I came up with.

What do ya think? Pretty fancy, huh? I love them! Soo much better than writing the key words and marking the scripture in red. Do you want some? Well, then I’ll share the PDF file with you.

Click on the image below to print->

Scripture Mastery (Adobe photoshop file)

Once you download your file, print it out on clear sticker paper. I got mine at Walmart.

It has all the scripture mastery scriptures – Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Old Testament, New Testament – the whole shebang. And because sticker paper is kinda’ expensive I filled in the blank space at the bottom with blank stickers so you can put it in the margins and write in your own little note or whatever.

Just a little quick tip: after I cut around the sticker and peeled the adhesive back off I handled the sticker with tweezers. It made putting it down on the scripture paper easier. My fingers are soo clumsy that if I wouldn’t have used tweezers the stickers would have ended up skiddywampus.

Thanks for stopping by – I hope you like them! If you do download them and put them in your scriptures be sure to leave me a comment.

Happy scripture reading to ya!

To learn more about my religion click here.

Posted in Religion | Tagged | 57 Comments

Activity Days – Cupcake Competition

The Activity Days girls have been begging to do a cooking competition.  But, since it’s against church rules to “cook” in the kitchen (food warming and preparing only) I thought it would be fun to do a cupcake decorating competition.  These girls love anything that has to do with sugar!

So I baked around forty cupcakes and my activity day partner bought a ton of “toppings”.  We filled up that chip and dip tray that’s in the middle of the table with candy.  I should have taken a picture when they first started.  It was {FULL} of candy.  I’m pretty sure they ate half of it while they were decorating!  You should have seen these girls by the end of the activity – they were bouncing off the walls!

Each girl decorated four cupcakes.  Once they were done they lined them up on the counter top.   I held up a plate and let the girls vote on their favorite group of cupcakes.  Of course, there really wasn’t a winner.

It was a fun activity!

Activity Days is an LDS activity for eight to eleven year old girls.

To learn more about my religion click here.

Posted in Craft, Religion | Tagged | 3 Comments

Printable Bow Tutorials

Alright all you chicks.  I have been working on making my bow tutorials into easy to print out pdf documents.  So far I have three done.

Loopy Flower Bow

Butterfly Bows!

Bunny Bows!

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Macey’s Birthday

We celebrated Macey’s birthday over the weekend.   Before Macey was born I took all three of the Wilton cake decorating classes so I could make awesome birthday cakes for my kids.  Now that I actually have kids I just don’t have the time and patience it takes to go all out on a cake.  I did my best, but I could have done better if I wouldn’t have had little hands in the way the whole time.  Macey requested a “speed” cake (Lightning McQueen).  She loved her cake and that’s all that matters to me.

This was my first time actually carving cake with a knife.  It’s way harder than I thought it’d be.  I did Macey’s hair like five times that day.  She’s just so rambunctious it never stays.

Macey insisted on eating one of the fondant tires.  Nasty! 

Posted in Kid | 4 Comments

Happy Easter

His Sacred Name – An Easter Declaration

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Layered Bow

Macey’s birthday is comming up and since she insists that she’s turning 2 I am putting a 4 on everything.  I made up a big bow for her to wear on her ponytail to school on her birthday. 

I started with 1.5″ ribbon and made a basic piggy bow.

Then with 3/8″ inch ribbon I made four loops, like the loopy flower bow.

Stack and glue them together.

I made the 4 with 1/8th inch grosgrain ribbon.

Glue your layers together and then glue your bow onto a lined clip and your all done!  Of course you could put a rhinestone or button or something else in the center.  It’s kind of a big bow – but this is Utah – the bigger the bow the better!

Happy bow making to ya!

Linking to: Gluesticks, $500 Wedding

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Gathered Flower Bow


I made these up to go with my little girls new Easter dresses.  They turned out soo cute I thought I’d share the how-to on them.

I went to the store to buy wired ribbon.  I found this 1.5 inch organdy ribbon for a dollar and the same kind of ribbon but with wire in it for five dollars.  Guess which one I bought.  Yep, I bought the cheap stuff.  With just one more little step I get the same looking bow, but for four dollars less.  ‘Cause I’m thrifty like that.  So you’ll want to cut your ribbon to 35-40 inches long.  The longer the strip of ribbon the fuller the bow will be. 

With your sewing machine your going to start sewing 1/8th of an inch along the edge.  Do a little backstitch when you begin (don’t do a backstich at the end).  After your backstitch you’re going to change the stitch length to the longest setting.  This will make a big nice basting stich.  Go along the full length of the ribbon and then when you cut your thread off at the end be sure to leave a few inches of thread.  A little side note about thread:  use a high quality thread for this project like Gutterman.  I wouldn’t suggest Coats and Clark because it will probably snap.  It might not, but I’d just use the good stuff just in case.

Hold one of your threads at the end and push the ribbon back on the thread.  This will make it gather.  Push the gathers towards the end that has the backstitch on it. 

It will start to look like this.  Once you get it as gathered up as you like you’ll take and end piece and start to wrap the ribbon around it.

When you’ve got it all wrapped around in a circle take your hot glue gun and cover the back with hot glue so it will stay together.  Hold it and let it cool all the way before you move it.

Flip it over and you’ve got a cute little ruffly fluff bow!  Now line a clip with ribbon.  You could add a little green leaf if you want some contrasting ribbon on your bow. 

And your done! 

Happy bow making to ya!

Linking to: Someday Crafts

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Teaching Tots

Do you ever come across a blog that you love soo much that you just want to share it with all your friends?  I came across 1+1+1=1 and I love it!  She has a TON of great FREE printables!  This morning, since it’s a non-preschool day, I was looking around for some kind of preschool packet to work on with Macey.  This You Can Read program looked great, so I printed out the first unit.  Macey LOVED it and I loved it.  I think we just may do these every week day, school or not. 

{Play-dough words.}

{Build a word.}

After we finished with our reading packet we played Brain Quest, read a book, played shoots and ladders, had lunch and then Maddy woke up.  It worked out good. I’m greatful for people that share their talents on their blogs so that everyone else can benefit from it.    Another good blog is Sun Scholars.  I’ll have to post our activities from her Summer program preview next week. 

Have a great weekend!

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Coupon Shopping

Back before Macey was born I was a BIG TIME coupon shopper.  Since then I have fizzled out.  But I’m back in the couponing game and it feels good!  I went on my first “real” coupon shopping trip yesterday and just got the necessities, diapers and cereal.  I forgot to save my receipt so I could tell you how much I saved and how much I spent.  It seems like the deals were a lot better four years ago, before everyone started couponing.  Have you seen that new TLC show, Extreme Couponing?  That’s a bit overboard, I just want to get my food storage pantry built back up.  Justin said he’ll build me a food storage room if I get the hallway closet all filled up.  I kinda hope I do.  That would be fun!  Today I spent naptime getting all my coupon inserts all organized. 


It feels good to have them in individual files instead of all lumped together like they were before.  I can’t handle that kind of chaos! 

{Maddy LOVES to look at pictures of other babies.  Soo cute!}

I hope the deals are bigger and better next week!!! Happy couponing to ya!

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Easter Tree

This is my little Easter tree that I came up with.  Last night we went thinning peaches at the church orchard and I noticed there was still some dead branches left over from last fall so I grabbed one and brought it home.  The pictures were just printed off of google images and from this packet of pictures.  I mounted them onto cardstock and then made fabric blossoms and glued them onto the branches.  Macey come home from school and said “Oohh, pretty popcorn tree!”  She loves it.  This will work good for Macey because we can look at the pictures and talk about them.  Next year she will be ready for a more in depth discussion but I think this will work good for this year.

{My favorite Easter picture}

{The Last Supper, Crown of Thorns,  Betrayal, and Christ}

{Gethsemane, Second Comming, Teaching Parables, and On The Cross}

This will be a nice centerpiece to have on the table and I hope it helps Macey understand Easter a little bit better. And it’s just nice to have some pictures of Christ in the kitchen.

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