About Me

Hi! My name is Mariesa.  I’m a 27 year old mom of two little girls.  I have a wonderful husband who supports my creative ambitions.  I love to sew and create things for my  girls.  I’m also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I serve as a Activity Days leader, primary teacher and visiting teacher.  This blog is a place I share my ideas with other moms who like to create as well.  My passion is sewing.  I love to take scraps of material and turn it into something awesome.  I recently bought a Bernina and now my craft room is my heaven on earth.  The term Ten Cow comes from the Johnny Lingo movie.  A women worth ten cows is worth a lot.  My husband calls me a ten cow wife and so that’s how the name of my blog came to be.

4 Responses to About Me

  1. Priceless Lady says:

    The term Ten Cow comes from the Johnny Lingo movie. A women worth ten cows is worth a lot. My husband calls me a ten cow wife and so that’s how the name of my blog came to be.

    How many cows would you sell your dad for? How many cows would you sell your grandmother for? How many cows will you sell your daughter for when someone wants to marry them?

    why would you embrace a concept that turns you into property?

    Better than being a woman worth ten cows is the concept of being a human being who is priceless and cannot be be bought, sold or owned.

    • Kirby Lue says:

      The Mormon Channel posted up Johnny Lingo a while back, so you can watch the movie online here http://mormonchannel.org/video/johnnylingo?lang=eng. It’s a cute movie, but you have to remember that it’s set in a culture that is very different from ours. Johnny Lingo’s love for Mahana was priceless, and, being the shrewd trader that he was, no one on the island would’ve faulted him for paying 1 chicken for Mahana. He still would have loved her the same. But he chose to do something that would show all the people on the island just how much he loved Mahana. He wanted to make sure that the islanders knew that he valued her more than anything else. And the way to do that in that cultural setting was to pay 8 cows for her. Don’t we do similar things in our culture? We buy chocolates, flowers, jewelry, and wedding rings. Sure we don’t “buy” our wives, but there are some cultures in which that is acceptable; these are usually the cultures in which taking a family member from a household means lots more work for everyone else in the family, so the “trade” is meant to lessen their burden. But whatever culture we live in, hopefully we can remember that the worth of every soul is great in the sight of God.

  2. Harriet says:

    Haha, fantastic blog name. I have recently been to Kenya and told I was worth 10 cows… didn’t realise it meant so much. Might have taken the offer up! (jokes)

  3. Pat Holland says:

    The cows is not what’s important. It’s the worth of a woman. In many Western cultures women have a dowry, the gift or money presented to her husband. In older times men provided a dowry of money. Rather than concentrate on the “buying”, which is not the 10 cows, concentrate on the woman’s worth which is far greater than the number of cows given as a dowry to the woman’s father. I love the title of your blog.

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