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9 Responses to Contact Me

  1. suzanna says:

    do you sell these hair bows? I am not creative at all and would love to have some holiday bows for my 2 girls. 2.5 and 1 month. THanks, Suzanna

  2. Leanne says:

    Hi, I was looking at making some of your korker bows….Do you spray them with starch before you bake them, or after? Do you need to wet the dowel or ribbon before they go in the oven so they don’t burn? Thx

  3. usafwifey says:

    Beautiful Bows!! Thank you so much for all of your tutorials. I am learning to make bows and everyone where I live sells them. When I ask for help no one wants to show me b/c they are afraid I will take business from them. I don’t want to do it as a business I have a 2 & 3 yr old and love crafts. I came up with one idea and a lady said I stole it from her so I am happy to play with the different styles you have!

    Thanks again 🙂

  4. Paulette D. says:

    I just wanted to say you are amazing! You’ve inspired me to do these myself for my two little girls, well my 2 year old and my other lil bean on the way in Feb. Do you have any tips on how to have bows that will have clips that wont hurt a newborn? I tried bows with my first daughter and some of the clips pulled her fine hair. Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for being so awesome! Im going to Sallys today to get clips and start on my heart shape and bunny bows for my daughter and neices! 🙂 pretty excited…people usually asks where I get them…now I can say I made them!!

  5. Would like th pattern for the Simple Decorative Edges bib.
    Think it is very cute.

    Thank you

  6. Theresa Livingston says:

    What width ribbon did you use to make the Loopy flower bow clips and for the butterfly clip.

  7. Marlene says:

    hey you do such a good job!!!!!! im not so creative but i would like to be, i have a little girl and want to start making bows can you make cheetah print with rihnestone

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