Winger’s Sticky Chicken Salad

I made Winger’s Sticky Chicken Salad for dinner last night and it was delicious.  It’s in the top five of the Morgan family’s favorite dinner dishes!  So I thought I’d share it with ya.  I hope you like it too!

4 Chicken Breasts, cut into strips

1/2 cup sour cream

1 cup bread crumbs

2 heads romaine lettuce, chopped

2 tomatoes

(Optional toppings, croutons, cheddar cheese, craisins, ranch dressing)

2 1/2 cups packed brown sugar

1/2 cup Frank’s hot sauce (oh yeah)

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Dip the chicken into the sour cream and then into the bread crumbs.  Place it on a sprayed cookie sheet.  Bake it for 25 minutes.  Make the dressing by combining the brown sugar, hot sauce and cider vinegar in a sauce pot.  Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly  Let it boil for one minute.  Don’t boil it for more than one minute or it will turn hard.  When the chicken is done dip it into the sticky sauce and then put it on top of your salad.   And there you have it – one rockin’ awesome salad for dinner! (I got this recipe from Sisters Stuff a long time ago.)  If you do Bountiful Baskets this is a great way to eat up those tomatoes and all that salad.  I even threw in some chopped up cabbage just to use that up too.  Happy Tuesday to ya!

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Kitchen Table Re-Do

Around in bloggy land I’ve noticed that a lot of girls sand down their table and repaint it black or a nice dark brown and it looks soo nice.  So I thought I am totally going to do that with my table!  I’ve hated this table for the past few years, I mean just look at it,  it’s from the seventies and the chairs don’t even match.  Blech!  So we hauled it out to the garage where I spent 4+ hours sanding down the top of it.

No, I didn’t sand it down by hand,  I did use a hand-held sander thingy.  And here is the AFTER PICTURE!!!

Don’t ya just LOVE it!?!?!  It turned out so awesome huh?! Oh wait, what are you doing?  You’re not scrolling back up are you?  Shoot!  Okay, fine, you caught me.  It’s not the same table.  You see, after  I had spent all that time sanding down the top of the table it turns out I went right through the wood down to the particle board.  And there is no way you can paint particle board to look pretty.  It just didn’t work.  {Mahana, you ugly!} I went over to furniture store and found a table set I loved,  it even has a pop-out leaf in the middle.  I got it for sales price (wasn’t on sale at the time, but I’m pretty persuasive I guess) and luckily the tax refund was in the mail  (I love my little tax deductions, I mean, ahem, kids)  and there you have it – a new table.  I love it soo much I got out my fancy china for Sunday dinner just ’cause I was feeling all hoity toidy with my new dining set.  Sometimes my projects just don’t turn out the way I want them to, but that’s okay, it all works out in the end.

Linking to: Craft-O-Maniac

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Loopy Flower Bow

I had to make some bows to coordinate with the new springy outfits I just bought the girls.  So I made up some loopy flower bows and took pictures as I went along just in case you want to make some too.

You’ll want four, seven inch pieces of ribbon.

Fold your ribbon in half and then pinch it so you know where the middle is.  Then put a dob of hot glue on the center.

Loop one end over and glue it down.  I used a printed ribbon so you could see how to do it.  Don’t twist it, just loop it. Got it?  Good.

Now loop the other end around.

And repeat with your other three pieces of ribbon.

Glue and stack your layers together.

Put something cute in the center.

If you have green ribbon on hand you can make a little leaf.  Cut it five inches long.

Loop it around and glue it on the back.

Line a hair clip with ribbon and glue your flower on it and you are alll done!!

 I love my cute little Macey.  Her birthday is in a few weeks and she talks about it non-stop.

This is how Maddy really feels about wearing headbands.  If she would just grow a little hair I could put a clip in it.  Anyhow, happy bow-making to ya!

Linking to: Tatertots & Jello, Craft-O-Maniac

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Bow/Hair Clip Q&A

I’ve had a few questions about where I get my clips that I stick the bows on and how to line the clip with ribbon.  So I’m going to do a little Q & A for everyone just in case you were wondering too.

Question #1:  Where do I get my bow clips from?

I get them from Sally Beauty Supply.  I’m sure any beauty supply place would have them though.  The box says “Metal Double Prong Clips.”  It has 100 clips in it and it cost around five dollars.  If I did my math right that’s about five cents per clip.  Not too bad!

Question #2: How do you line the clip with ribbon?

On the back side of the clip put a dot of hot glue and then put the end of your ribbon on top of the glue.  I have found that 3/8 inch ribbon covers the clip perfectly.

Flip it over and put a dot of hot glue on top and wrap your ribbon up and around the clip.

Open your clip and put a dot of hot glue on the inside and wrap your ribbon around and in the hair clip.  If your worried about the clip falling out of your little girls hair you can cut a small piece of shelf/drawer liner (you know, the grippy rubbery stuff) and hot glue a little strip of that inside the hair clip. 

If you have any other bow making questions, let me know!

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Butterfly Bows


I’m back! And I made some butterfly bows.  Do you want to make some?  Let me show you how.

Step number one: Open the laundry room window and breath in all that springtime air.  Ahhhhh!  Macey’s at school, Maddy’s down for a nap and the laundry’s going in the washing machine.  My favorite time of time of day!  Okay, on to the butterfly bows for reals this time.

Alright, cut two pieces of ribbon 8.5 inches and two pieces 6.5 inches.

Line a hair clip with ribbon (you can get them at Sally Beauty Supply).  Then take your 8.5 inch piece of ribbon and fold it in half.  Pinch it in the middle and that way you know where the center of the ribbon is.  Hot glue the center of the ribbon to the hair clippy.

Now take the ends of the ribbon and loop them around and glue them down.  So that’s the top half of your butterfly.

Now do the same thing to make the bottom half of your butterfly with the 6.5 inch piece of ribbon.

And it will look like that. 

Now take your sheer pieces of ribbon and glue them over the top of the other ribbon. 

Cute, now it has fluttery wings!

Now let’s make the body.  Take about seven inches of ribbon and wrap it around a dowel.  A preschool pencil works good too if you don’t have a dowel on hand.  Put it on a baking sheet and bake it at 275 degrees for 20-25 minutes. 

Cut your bodies to the right size and glue them down the middle.  This is hard to do without making it all skiddywampus.  So just do your best,  I’m sure your little girl won’t care if it doesn’t look perfect.

The very last step is to make antennas.  Or antennie or whatever.  Cut off a one inch piece of ribbon and then cut the edges off.  Hold the edges over a flame and it will make them curl over.  Glue them on to the top of your clip and your all done!

Ta-da!  That wasn’t soo bad, now was it? 🙂  Happy bow making to ya!

Linking to: Skip to My Lou, Craft-O-Maniac, Making the World Cuter, Tip Junkie, Someday Crafts, Somewhat Simple, Tatertots & Jello, Sun Scholars

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Soo Much to Learn, Soo Little Time

I was just thinking about all the things I want to learn and do and I just get myself soo overwhelmed!  I want to learn how to take great photos of my kids like this chick.  I’ve got a great camera I just need to sit down and learn how to manually adjust the settings.  My sisters was blessed with all the brains, I was blessed with . . . well, I’ll get back to you on that one.  Last week I downloaded a free trial of Adobe Elements 9 (I’ve currently got Elements 5), and sat and learned all the cool things you can do with it.  Wow there is soo much to learn, but I did photoshop this picture of Macey and I think it turned out kinda’ cool.

So anyways, back to my point.  I want to be like this chick and make great meals for my family.  It wouldn’t hurt if my desserts were as delicious and cute as this chicks either.  I wish I had a deep and vast knowledge of this scriptures like these chicks.  I wish I was as athletic and healthy as these chicks.   I wish I had a great garden like this chick.  And I wish I sat down and did more projects with my kids like this chick.  And on and on and on.  There is soo much I want to DO and soo much I want to BE I just overwhelm myself and then I don’t accomplish anything because  I don’t know where to even start.  Ya knowhwhatImean?  So what are you good at?  How do you find balance and achieve all the things that you want to?  If you have the answers on how to be supermom/superwoman let me know!  And if you don’t that’s okay too, just let me know what your thoughts are.

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Sparkly Spring Flowers

This is one of those “craptastic” projects.  It doesn’t really serve a purpose other than to keep Macey occupied for awhile after school.  I was looking at all my little kid craft supplies trying to figure out what I could make with Macey and came up with these flower magnets.  I free-hand drew some flowers on construction paper and had Macey cut them out.  Then we glued a matching or non-matching pom-pom to the middle (whatever she thought looked best) and then she picked out which glitter glue she wanted on it and went to town.  I did help her with most of them, but at one point Maddy needed a bum change so I left Macey alone for a minute and she started pilling the glitter glue on!

So after all that dried – hours and hours later – we stuck magnet strips on the back and put them on the fridge. 

She loves them! They’re a little too cluttery for my taste, but it was a fun project we did together, so it’s worth it.

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General Conference Ideas

I just realized yesterday that general conference is THIS WEEKEND!  Wahoo! It’s one of my favorite Sundays of the year!  We have our tradition of monkey bread for breakfast that I love.  But just this morning I came across this booklet on that has TONS of great tradition ideas.  Check it out here.  I may have to add a few more fun traditions to our conference weekend.  And then of course Sugardoodle has a ton of great activity packets to print out for your kids.  Get them here.  I’m looking forward to the spiritually uplifiting messages on Saturday and Sunday.  Church yesterday was anything but uplifiting.  (Darn primary kids were out of control!)  I hope you all are going to tune into conference this weekend.  Have a great Monday!

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Maddy’s One!

My little Maddy turned one year old last week!  It seems like just yesterday she was born.  Sorta.  Anyhow, we drove out to the church peach orchard to take some pictures of Maddy.  After about a hundred or so I got one that is okay – minus the keys in her hand.  I’ve got a lot more photography learning to do.  There’s just soo much info out there I don’t even know where to start.  But I’m hoping to get better and better at it.  When we got home from taking pictures we were all wheezy and had red splotches on our skin. Great, my two little girls inherited their moms allergies. 

We had a little family party for Maddy at my moms.  Macey insisted that Maddy wanted a monkey cake.  I know the cake isn’t all that pretty but it tasted really good!  I took all three of the Wilton cake decorating classes before my girls were born so that I could make the best birthday cakes ever.  Only problem is now the smell of buttercream and the texture of fondant makes me gag.  I have cupboards full of cake decorating supplies, but when it came right down to it I wanted something easy and that tasted good.   I’m too practical to spend all day on a cake that no one would like.  So there ya have it, an ugly (but yummy) monkey cake.  The crown I had made that afternoon with my silhouette machine (love that thing) and then hot glued rhinestones onto it.  I know most people go all out for parties, but that’s just not my style.  Sure onesies with the number appliqued onto them with matching tutus and all that jazz are kinda cute, but it’s just not my thing.  Never has been, never will be.  I like low-key birthday parties.  And Maddy’s was perfect.

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File Folder Games

I love these {FREE} downloadable file folder games from! I printed these off yesterday and had them laminated and Macey has already spent a lot of time matching shapes and colors and dressing the cute bear.  Here is the link to the website

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