Here are just some random things about ME. 
{Macey picked up the camera and said, “Say cheese Momma!” so I did, no make-up on, but hey, this is me being real.}
1. I have no style sense when it comes to clothes.
2. I keep a pretty mean clean house.
3. My favorite time of the year is spring. I also love summer mornings.
4. I made a big batch of baby food yesterday. It makes me feel like SouleMama.

5. I’m a homebody. I have no desire to travel to foreign countries.
6. However, my big goal is to save enough money to buy one of these and go on a church history tour back east and visit Nauvoo and other places.
7. I love to cook. But only when I’m in the mood for it.
8. I also love to sew, but I have to be in the mood for that too.
9. Macey came home from school yesterday soo excited to show me all the valentine’s she got. It made my mommy heart happy to see her so happy. As cheesy as it may sound, I love being a mom.

10. I could care less about celebrities. Especially when they get involved in politics.
11. The only TV show I watch is Studio 5. I can’t stand the kind of crappolla that is on tv these days. I especially can’t watch those CSI type of shows. Creepy!
12. I love the internet. It’s soo fun to read other mom’s blogs and learn from them.
13. I love that I live where I live. It’s got to be the most beautiful place on earth. When I wake up I open all the blinds and marvel at the beauty of the mountains around us. The way the light hits them in the mornings and the evenings is just beautiful.
14. I can’t stand clutter. In fact there’s a pile of papers on the kitchen counter right now and it’s driving me crazy.
15. I think I may be a little OCD. Ok fine I am. I have to check the curling irons, flat irons, clothes iron and oven to make sure everything is turned off before I leave the house. It could catch on fire ya know.
16. I am one lucky girl to be married to Justin.
17. I want to take college classes once both the girls are in school. Not for any particular degree, but just to learn more.
18. I love family history. Does that make me a old?
19. Easter is my favorite holiday. I love that we celebrate the resurrection. There’s spring flowers, fresh air, pastel dresses. It’s soo much better than Christmas.
20. I love all of you! I love that people actually stop by my blog and leave comments {hint, hint}. Thanks soo much!
I’ll be back on Thursday with a fun crafty post. Tommorow is a busy day with an eye appointment (I lost my glasses and have been walking around blind), a craft date, activity days, and a date with my hubby!