Activity Days – Flowers and Pen Pals

For our activity today we made tissue paper flower bouquets.  The girls absolutely {LOVED} this activity!  It’s the same as making those popular tissue paper pom poms.  I had my partner pick up the supplies for the activity and she bought {BRIGHT} colored paper and pipe cleaners.  They turned out soo cute. 

If you want to make some here is a great link with step-by-step instructions.

After the girls finished up their bouquets we wrote letters to our Activity Day pen pals.  We are the first ones to write letters to them so they are excited to get letters back.  The girls had a great time!

Activity Days is an LDS activity for eight to eleven year old girls. 

To learn more about my religion click here.

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Journaling, Quilting and Family History

I blogged about the monthly journals that I keep for my girls before, but I had an idea, why not put a current picture with the journal entry?!  I know, your thinking “big whoop”.  But I love my new idea soo much I had to blog about it.  How fun will it be to look back at these journals and see the monthly pictures and how they changed so little month to month but over the year changed soo much.  Does that make sense?  Anyhow, I’m kinda proud of myself for thinking that up on my own. My quilt is turning out good.  I can’t wait to see what it’ll look like when it’s all finished.  Are there any long arm quilters out there that want to do a trade?  I love the way long arm quilting looks but it’s expensive.

And finally family history.  My mom bought my sister and I (and herself) RootsMagic so we could get our family history all organized.  They come over to my house today so we could install our software and work on it.  So anyways, that’s what I’ve been working on lately!

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Visiting Teaching – February

Here we are, the last day of the month – again – and I didn’t do my visiting teaching.  {Mahana you ugly!}   I need to take the girls something and let them know I care, but I’m not in the cooking mood today because I’ve got lots of cleaning to do.  I really like my picture that I did last week so I thought I’d make some up for the girls I visit teach.  The printable has nothing to do with the message this month, I just really like it.  I did print out the message for the month and stuck it on top.  I promise I’m going to get out and do my visiting teaching next month.  No excuses!

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Hair Bow Organizer

I was soo tired of digging through the bow bin to find matching hair bows so I decided it was time to make my very own bow organizer.  It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.  All I did was glue ribbon inside the picture frame.  If I knew it was going to be that easy I would have done this a long time ago!  I already had the picture frame on hand and I bought the 7/8 inch grosgrain ribbon – so all in all this project cost me $1.98.  Woot! Woot!         I hope you have a great weekend!

Linking to: Tatertots and Jello, Craft-O-Maniac

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St. Patty’s Day Hair Bows

Saint Patrick’s day is comming up and that means I get to make some bows to go in my girls hair!  I came up with some little clover clips.  It was pretty easy.  Let me show you . . .

Line your hair clips with ribbon with 3/8″ grosgrain ribbon. 

Cut three pieces of ribbon four inches.

Fold your ribbon in half and put a dob of hot glue in the crease.

This next step is hard to explain but I think that by looking at the picture above you can figure it out.  You put a dot of hot glue on the end of the ribbon and overlap the other end of the ribbon on top of that.  Clear as mud?  You basically are trying to make a little heart. 

Take your little clover petals and glue them onto your clip.

It’s looking good and almost done.  One last step though . . .

Your going to need to put a little line of hot glue on the outside of the heart where you pinched it and then glue it down to the clip.  If you don’t it will flip out funny.   Now go make some bows so your little girls won’t get pinched on St. Patty’s day.  These are way cuter than just wearing a green shirt!

Linking to: Gluesticks, Somewhat Simple, Craft-O-Maniac, Someday Crafts

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“House a Home” Printable

I love all the great printables that Bobbi-Jo puts on her It Works for Meblog.  But I especially love the one that she has on there today.  “Women who make a house a home make a far greater contribution to society than those who command large armies or stand at the head of impressive corporations.” Gordon B. Hinckley.  I needed that today.  I have done laundry, wiped bums and fed bellies, and it can be exhausting and sometimes thankless.  I’m grateful for the words of encouragement by President Gordon B. Hinckley. 

When I saw this this morning I printed it out and got out a frame (I was still in my pajamas, mind you.  That’s how much I loved this printable.)  All I could find was an old black frame so I spray painted it (what did we ever do before spray paint?) and made some rolled flowers to give it a little substance.

I put it on my new favorite piece of furniture in my bedroom.  Just in case you were wondering, (I’m sure you weren’t) but those ugly cords did get put in the wall.  Hallelujah! 

Thanks for the nice printable Bobbi-Jo!

Posted in Craft, Religion | 5 Comments

Silly Scripture Plates

It’s time for the Valentine’s day plates to come down and something else to go up in their place.  I was thinking, I could just get some nice ones from Tai Pan and leave it at that.  Or I could put some inspiring scriptures up.  Or I could put inspiring and funny scriptures up.  I like the last idea the best.  I think that although Mormon art is nice and all sometimes it’s a little bit stuffy and I think that our Father in Heaven has a sense of humor.  He did create children after all.  So here are my silly scripture plates.  I hope they make you smile too!

See, even back in the golden plate days “they knew not.”  It’s like when I ask Macey, “Did you make this mess?”  Blank stare.  “I don’t know Momma.” Mmhmm.  Sure you don’t. 

I am going to make my girls {MEMORIZE} this scripture by the time they are teenagers.  So when those stinky little pre-pubesent boys try to kiss my girls they will say “Touch me not!”  A mom can only dream.

That’s the {WHOLE} scripture! Remember Lot’s wife.  It was a tie between this one and “He dwelt in a tent.”  Do YOU remember Lot’s wife?  She looked back and turned into a pillar of salt.  There is some significance to this one though, besides being kinda funny.  The moral of the scripture is don’t look behind you, look ahead to the future.  I like that.  I could go on and on about it, or you could just read about the profoundness of the scripture in this awesome article by Jeffrey R. Holland. 

Do you have any favorite funny scriptures or scripture stories? I wanna know!

Linking to: Craft-O-Maniac, Skip to my Lou

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Satin Flowers

Awhile back I got into making flowers with organza fabric, but lately I’ve been seeing the same technique used to make flowers on satin.  I thought I’d give it a try with the famous and super talented crafter Jen at


We got together yesterday and made these cute little flowers.  Jen wanted springy yellow satin and I wanted a fresh white look.  They both turned out soo dang cute!

I put a few layers of organza in my flower just to see how it would look.  I love the way it turned out.  To make them you do the same thing you would with the organza fabric.  The only difference is satin catches on fire a little bit faster.  So you have to be super careful how close you get it to the flame.  I burned mine quite a bit and then just cut off the black spots and started over again – no biggie.  Now I want to go to the fabric store and buy every color in satin.  All I had on hand was white left over from Macey’s blessing dress. 

I finished mine off with a hair clippy.  I’m all outta white ribbon – which maybe is a good thing – it made me think outside the box and I used this pretty pink ribbon that my little sis gave me.  I love how it adds a cute little something to it – even if you don’t see it from the front. 

Here’s a few tips if you are going to make your own:

-It’s helpful to pin your fabric to a circle template and then cut it out.

-Hold your fabric next to the flame and let it pucker up.  Don’t get too close.

-Use a nylon (clear) thread to sew your little pearls or beads on.

-Doing layers of different kinds of fabric gives it a fun look. Jenn did some flowers with ribbon and buttons and different colors.  Check them out they turned out super cute!

-Have fun!

Thanks soo much for having me over Jenn. We’ll have to get together again and see what we can craft up!

On a completely unrelated to flower making note:

My baby can kick your baby’s butt in a toilet paper unrolling contest.  She’s training for the baby olympics.  I think we might have a gold metalist here.

Posted in Craft | Tagged | 8 Comments

20 Random Things About Me

Here are just some random things about ME. 

{Macey picked up the camera and said, “Say cheese Momma!” so I did, no make-up on, but hey, this is me being real.}

1.   I have no style sense when it comes to clothes.

2.  I keep a pretty mean clean house.

3.  My favorite time of the year is spring.  I also love summer mornings.

4.  I made a big batch of baby food yesterday.  It makes me feel like SouleMama.

5.  I’m a homebody.  I have no desire to travel to foreign countries.

6.  However, my big goal is to save enough money to buy one of these and go on a church history tour back east and visit Nauvoo and other places.

7.  I love to cook.  But only when I’m in the mood for it.

8.  I also love to sew, but I have to be in the mood for that too.

9.  Macey came home from school yesterday soo excited to show me all the valentine’s she got.  It made my mommy heart happy to see her so happy.  As cheesy as it may sound,  I love being a mom.

10.  I could care less about celebrities.  Especially when they get involved in politics.

11.  The only TV show I watch is Studio 5.  I can’t stand the kind of crappolla that is on tv these days.  I especially can’t watch those CSI type of shows.  Creepy!

12.  I love the internet.  It’s soo fun to read other mom’s blogs and learn from them. 

13.  I love that I live where I live.  It’s got to be the most beautiful place on earth.  When I wake up I open all the blinds and marvel at the beauty of the mountains around us.  The way the light hits them in the mornings and the evenings is just beautiful. 

14.  I can’t stand clutter.  In fact there’s a pile of papers on the kitchen counter right now and it’s driving me crazy.

15.  I think I may be a little OCD.  Ok fine I am.  I have to check the curling irons, flat irons, clothes iron and oven to make sure everything is turned off before I leave the house.  It could catch on fire ya know. 

16.  I am one lucky girl to be married to Justin.

17.  I want to take college classes once both the girls are in school.  Not for any particular degree, but just to learn more.

18.  I love family history.  Does that make me a old?

19.  Easter is my favorite holiday.  I love that we celebrate the resurrection.  There’s spring flowers, fresh air, pastel dresses.  It’s soo much better than Christmas.

20.  I love all of you! I love that people actually stop by my blog and leave comments {hint, hint}.  Thanks soo much!

I’ll be back on Thursday with a fun crafty post.  Tommorow is a busy day with an eye appointment (I lost my glasses and have been walking around blind), a craft date, activity days, and a date with my hubby!

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Sour Cream Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake


Yes, sour cream cherry chocolate chip is what I call the cake because, well, that’s what the ingredients are.   This cake is super easy to make because it’s not totally from scratch.  I love a good Texas sheet cake but when I want something with a different flavor I bake this one.  You want to know what makes it soo easy?

Mmmhmm.  I’ve got nothing against doctoring up a cake mix.  And then to top it off I slather on some tangy sour cream frosting and that there is a family birthday cake pleaser.  I made this for my Mom’s birthday party yesterday.  I love my mom soo much and I hope she had a good one.  Here’s the recipe for the cake.

Cherry Chocolate Cake:

1 package chocolate cake mix

1 (21 ounce) can cherry pie filling

1 tsp. almond extract (I think this is a little strong and do a half tsp.)

2 eggs

Heat oven to 350.  Spray two round cake pans.  In a large bowl combine cake mix, cherry pie filling, almond extract, and two eggs and stir until well blended.  Pour batter into prepared pans.  Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Frosting:

 1 cup chocolate chips

4 Tblsp. butter

1/2 cup sour cream

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1/4 tsp. salt

2 3/4 cup powdered sugar

Melt the chocolate and butter together.  Let it cool and mix in the sour cream, vanilla, and salt.  Gradually add in the powdere sugar until you get a good frosting consistency.  Beat well.

That’s all there is too it!  Easy and delicious! I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s day!!

Linking to: Sweet as Sugar Cookies

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