Have I ever mentioned how much I love my little machine?! I saw this picture frame on another blog this morning and I said “I need one of those,” so I made one. Sillhouette had a cute little girl witch download which I love because it looks like a little Macey witch. The best part about this – it cost me nothing to make! I had everything on hand. I have to show Maceys latest favorite sillhouette project. We did the little 3-D spider and hung it on the light fixture above the kitchen table. So when we’re sitting down to dinner Macey says, “Oh no, the spiders going to eat our food!” I love that kid.
I know your getting sick of seeing my little girls’ Halloween costumes, but it’s what I’m spending all of my free time working on lately – so I gotta post a picture on my progress.
Ta-da! I’ve got them hemmed up now. Whoever made the pattern was a dingaling. Maddys dress was six inches too long. I knew it was way too long when I was cutting it out, but geez, six inches. Anyways, what’s left to do now is pick the bow off of Maceys and sew it back on because it’s off center and then either do a zipper or velcro in the back of Maddys. I can’t decided which I want. I did get some little flower clippies made to go in their hair.
If one rhinestone is good, then three is better, right? Anyways, if you want to make a organza flower the tutorial is here. Blog to ya later!
Look at how busy you are. and all the cute stuff you have made. OK’ I want that saying and i adore the 3-D spider, I wish my cricut did 3-D spiders. Love the costumes you have done a fab. job you have fab. sewing skills. Jen
The dresses came out adorable! I find that most commercial girls dress patterns are alternately six inches too long or four inches too short. I have to stop and do a waist to desired length on my 4 year old before I cut anything out these days. A 4 year old who wants to watch up close and personal like, which means getting her to stand up straight to get an accurate measurement is an adventure.
Thanks for visiting me! The halloween dresses are so cute – I love the color combination!