For our last activity the girls put together their very own time capsule. I did this when I was in Young Womens and I just opened it last month. It was fun to go through and see what “treasures” I had put in there. I had my girls camp necklace, sunglasses, a CD (I thought we’d be on to some new technology in ten years), notes from friends and a form that the young women’s leader had put together for us to fill out. Before our activity I went to the cannery and picked up number ten cans and made up a form for the girls to fill out. The one I did in young women’s was lengthy and had questions like “What ten traits do you want in your future spouse?” I doubt the little activity day girls would want to fill that out. They all gagged at the question “When do you think you’ll get married?” I just put that on there because you really don’t know. Some of the girls were like, “I’ll get married when I’m thirty.” Another girl said she wants to be a old cat lady and never get married. Another question was “Which temple do you want to get married in?” They all wrote down the one that their parents got married in. Then at the activity I showed them the can that I had put together and we talked about what a time capsule is and they filled out their own little information sheet. They took their cans home and filled them up with their goodies and brought them to the next activity. I sent them home with a list of suggestions like: last family Christmas card, pictures of your bedroom, souvenirs from trips, write down your testimony, etc. This is what the cans looked like when they brought them back.
I took them into the cannery and had this kind Brother put lids on them.
Then when I got them home I put their names on the top in vinyl. At the activity I had them write their names on the bottom in marker because once their sealed up there’s no guessing who’s is who’s.
It was a fun activity and the girls loved them! I hope they wait a good ten or twenty years before they open them!
Activity Days is an LDS activity for eight to eleven year old girls.
To learn more about my religion click here.
Linking to: Someday Crafts, Somewhat Simple
I did time capsules just like this for each of my kids when they were born to open when they turn 18. They have pictures of the house we were living in at the time, the 1st Presidency (it has already changed three times since my boys were born!) what prices were like, and letters from aunts, uncles, and grandparents…among other things. They are SO much fun to do – I’m sure your activity days girls loved them!
You are such a FUN Activity Days Leader! Your ideas are always awesome! This would be a neat idea for FHE too.
Very fun! I want to do this with mine.
What a great idea!!! I love it!
I’d love to have you share at my For the Kids Friday Link Party! I’m sure you’ll find some fun ideas while you are there! Come join the fun!
LOVE this idea!! I have wanted to do this with my family. It would be fun to look back on when they’re grown
Just LOVE these! I’ll be featuring them with my next link party post! Be sure to stop by and grab a button!
Thanks so much for sharing these at For the Kids Friday! I’ll be posting the next link party tomorrow night. I am excited to see what you’ll be sharing this week!
:)rachel @
I wanted to let you know that I have featured this post as one of my favorites from last week’s link party. Stop by and grab an A++ button to post on your blog if you like! Thanks again for joining the For the Kids Link Party at Sun Scholars!