Easter Preparations

I’ve mentioned before that Easter is my most favorite holiday.  For many, many reasons I love Easter and I’m soo excited for it this year.  First off, I found some adorable spring dresses at Kohl’s on killer sale! Woot! Woot! I made up some korker bows to match.  Easter is over a month away so I’m going to let the girls wear their new dresses now.  Why wait?  Maybe I’ll get around to making them another set of dresses to wear for Easter Sunday. (The ribbon really isn’t that bright, I think I just messed around in photoshop too much.)

The other thing I am excited about is this book I got from the library.  It’s called “A Christ-Centered Easter      Day-by-Day Activities to Celebrate Easter Week       Easter Activities for Latter-Day Saint Families.”  by Janet and Joe Hales.

 I checked it out last week and then on Sunday Maddy was too sick to go to church so I ended up staying home with a sleeping sick baby.  I got to spend the whole three hours studying this book.  There are a lot of references to Jesus The Christ which I love because that’s no fluffy doctrine, also a lot of references to the Topical Guide and of course the Bible.  It was a great study session for me and I learned some new things.  Things that I’m sure I won’t be able to teach Macey about for a few years, but it’s great to have this book for when she is ready for the deeper lessons.   I’m definetly going to go buy one at Deseret Book.  This book is full of great information and it has a ton of activity ideas.  I want to do them all!  A lot of the activities require preparation and planning ahead so I’m starting early.  The first one that I am working on is the Easter Story in Eggs.

I’ve done this before with my primary class, but I wanted to make a nicer set that we can keep and use every year.  You know how Christmas is a big holiday for most families?  Well, I want Easter to be a big deal at my house.  I want my girls to remember the awesome Easter’s we had.  I’m looking forward to the Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies and the lessons about the Resurrection.  Does your family have any unique Easter traditions?

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8 Responses to Easter Preparations

  1. Misty says:

    One of my favorite Easter traditions is making Resurrection Rolls. You can see it on my blog, here.

  2. Kirby Cook says:

    Don’t forget to take pictures of your girls in their Easter dresses today! I want to see!

  3. Tina Middleton says:

    I teach CTR 4 and so I was just wondering what you do with the Easter eggs. What do you put inside? Do you do a scavenger hunt?

    • Ten Cow Chick says:

      Hi Tina – I just sent you an email with a few links to how to do the Easter Story in eggs. Each egg has a scripture reference and a small item to symbolize the scripture. The last egg #12 is empty, like the tomb. Thanks!

  4. Elena Perry says:

    First off – I love your blog. Sorry I’ve been a lurker for a while now 🙂

    Second – I loooove that book!! We’ve been doing the FHEs outlined in “A Christ Centered Easter” for 7 years (I think!). We started when my oldest was around 2 or 3 years old. He is nine now. I’ve had to expand out from the book though. I have a huge 3-ring binder where I store coloring sheets, stories, crafts, etc that I come across that I can use for each day of “Easter Week” 🙂 My kids love it!! And my favorite part is that they know the doctrine. I started simple but now I start our fhe lessons that week asking them to tell me what happened that day and we go from there. I then find my husband and I discussing in greater detail (ex-from “Jesus the Christ”) something we brought up during our lesson. Since we’ve started this there is such a sweet spirit in our home that week. I have a wall in my kitchen where I post pictures each day showing what the Savior did. I even have a map of Jerusalem so I can point out where Christ went. It’s wonderful to sit down to dinner and see the kids start talking about a certain picture or quote. By the end of the week, the last week of the Savior’s life takes up two walls in my kitchen 🙂 Good luck! You’ll have to let us know how it goes for your family.

    • Ten Cow Chick says:

      Thanks for telling me about your Easter binder! I love to hear from other peoples ideas for teaching about Easter! I wish you had a blog so I could see pictures of it 🙁 Thank soo much!

  5. I also discovered the Christ-Centered Easter book about 6 years ago. Our Easter traditions have evolved over time and have made this holiday truly meaningful and centered where it should be – on Christ! I also keep a binder with tabs for each day of the week, which have all of the resources I need for each day. Since you own the book, I can send you a copy of my work if you are interested. I posted a summary of this year’s Easter week, which I think has been our best so far. Here is my blog:
    (I also have my Easter traditions and others posted on my “Favorites” page there).

    I found your blog as I was searching for more ideas to implement for Easter. It’s nice to “meet” you! 🙂

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