I Did It!

I went out and did something that I thought I would never do.

I went out and ran in the f-f-freezing cold.  I hate the cold!  It was 44 degrees (which may as well be 30 below in my book), but I went out and did it and it felt great.  The headband and jacket made all the difference.  I tried to do a run last week without them and I only lasted about a half mile before I turned around and ran for my cozy warm home.  Last week I went shopping at Target to get some warm running gear and was surprised to find a cute headband in the fitness dept.  I was expecting to just buy a lame black one.  Bonus points to Target! Plus it matches my shirt and ipod armband.  Not that that really matters, but like I told Justin, I run better when I look cute – it’s a mental thing.  So now that I have over overcome my issue with running in the cold weather maybe I can overcome my issue with shopping at Costco on a Saturday.  Er maybe not. . . .

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5 Responses to I Did It!

  1. Camille says:

    Good job! I am not a fan of running or cold. Last thanksgiving Randy ran in a 10k and it was 4 degrees. No thanks!

  2. Crystal says:

    This is precisely why I moved to a warm location…. But now seventy feels like 35…. Sigh, but cute well made running gear does make all the difference

  3. Kirby Lue says:

    I’m so proud of you Mrees!

  4. Jessica says:

    Way to go!! Getting out the door is the first and hardest step. It always takes me a mile or so to warm up. If you ever want to run together I am here for you!

    • Ten Cow Chick says:

      Oh thanks Jess! I’ll give you a call next year when I’m faster. Right now you’d be doing laps around me. 🙂

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