{MANLY} Card

Last night I didn’t have a clue what to get Justin for Valentine’s day and then today my mom showed me the manly card ideas on Studio5.com.  I have to admit I haven’t watched the show all week (because I’m cheesed they didn’t pick my five dollar craft challenge entry as a finalist).  But anyhoo,  I love that this card is {FUNNY}, {FUNTIONAL} and {INEXPENSIVE}.  Seriously, you can’t beat that! 

(5X7 piece of metal for the backing of the card)

When I went to Lowe’s to pick up supplies they had a section of mini tools for $1.98.  Then over in the roofing department they have these 5×7 pieces of metal for fifty cents.  Woot! Woot!  I love an inexpensive project! The technical term for it is galvanized shingle flashing.  That’s just a little FYI for ya in case you get lost in the big box DIY store and you have to ask someone in a blue vest for help.  I’ve got to get it finished after the kiddos go to bed tonight.  I still need to find the ice pick to punch holes on either site of the wrench and secure it to the card with a twisty tie.  There were some other cute ideas and you can download them for {FREE}!  Some of the ideas could be changed around a bit and work for Father’s Day too.  I’m soo glad I have a little something to give to Justin on Valentine’s Day now! 

Linking to: Tatertots and Jello , Craft-O-Maniac

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Little Valentine Box

So I mentioned in a previous post that doing these picture valentine’s cards from the girls to their dad would be a fun new tradition for our family.  And then I got to thinking that if I’m going to spend the time making valentine cards I don’t want them to be thrown out or misplaced like a Hallmark card would.  So I made this simple little valentine keeper box for Justin to keep his valentine’s in every year.  I even went and found the card from last year and stuck it in, just so they would all be in one place.  It’s just a simple little tin box, but ten or fifteen years from now I hope it’s full of cute valentine’s from the girls.

I’ve still got to make valentine’s for Macey to take to preschool (forehead palm slap).  There’s soo many fun ideas out there I can’t narrow it down so I just haven’t done them yet.  I hope I figure out what to do soon.  Happy weekend to ya!

Linking to: Craft-O-Maniac

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Quilting and Journaling


I have started working again on nine patch quilt blocks.  There was a quilt along a long time ago on Crazy Mom Quilts that I started and never finished.  I had enough scraps left over from a quilt to make a whole ‘nother quilt so I cut out the pieces and then got burned out.  That was before I got Berny.  I have to say that strip piecing is soo much easier on my new machine and I am really enjoying putting these blocks together.  I hope I’ll stick with it and get it done this time.  I love the fabric colors and I love the way the quilt will look when I’m done with it, I’ve just got to perservere and get it done.

I’ve also been spending nap time writing in my new scripture journal.  It fills me up in a spiritual way and I’m in a better, more rested mood when the baby wakes up and Macey comes home from school.

My first two pages are on Marriage and Mothering.  The two most important things to me right now.  I pasted my favorite conference talk on the Mothering page and added some of my favorite quotes on mothering.  There’s an article in this months Ensign that I like, but there was one line in it that really stuck out to me and that is “If I were the devil, I don’t think I could get to Latter-day Saints with any big sins.  I think I would just keep them busy.”  That is soo true it hurts.  I’m so busy all the time.  Keeping the house clean, making dinner, etc.  The big sins don’t tempt me at all, but I am so busy doing little things that I’m not making time for the things that matter the most.  My kids, meaningful scripture reading (I don’t think the hurry and read a chapter before I fall asleep is to meaningful) and on and on. 

The other page of my journal is about marriage.  I love the parable of the silverware.  It basically says that “If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently.”  Just like silverware needs to be polished and taken care of so does a marriage.  I based most of my notes off of a talk given by Russell M. Nelson in General Conference 2006 titled “Nurturing Marriage.”  It’s a great talk, and if your married I highly recommend you read it.  In it he lists three important things you need to do to strengthen your marriage.  

The redheadedhostess.com has weekly posts that have scripture journal glue-in quotes.  So if your like me and just starting this fun new hobby be sure to get her handouts.  It makes me feel like I’m in seminary all over again.  I love sitting down and researching topics that are important to me and I feel that it’s a better use of my time then blog-hopping or watching tv.  Blog to ya soon!

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{HEART} Bow Tutorial

 I made these heart bows for Macey on Saturday (to match her Sunday dress, and of course for the upcoming holiday) and they were so super simple to make I thought I’d do a little tutorial for you.

Step one:  Cut four pieces of ribbon.  I prefer to use 3/8 inch grosgrain ribbon, but I’m all out of white so I had to rock what I got and ended up using some wider sheer white. 

You’re going to need one piece each of 6 inch, 5 1/2 inch, 5 inch, and 4 1/2 inch ribbon.  Seal the ends with a candle.

Take your 6 inch piece of ribbon and put a dab of glue on the TOP of it at three inches and pinch it.  Then you’ll put a dab of glue on the bottom of the “v” and put your 5 1/2 inch ribbon underneath the 6 inch ribbon.  Keep going until you’ve got your ribbon looking like this.

Line a clippy with ribbon (I get mine at Sally Beauty Supply).  Put a dob of glue on it like so. . .

Stick the bottom of the “v” in the glue.


Take your bottom layer of ribbon and glue it down so it forms a heart.  Keep going with your layers of ribbon until it looks like this.

And there you have a cute little heart bow.

Happy bow making to ya!

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Scripture Journals

In the past few weeks I have come across two blogs that I {LOVE} and want to share with you. 

(Image from theredheadedhostess.com)

The first one is redheadedhostess.com.  I love how she shares so many great insights on the scriptures and gosple related topics.  She blogs about things that have {depth} and {substance} to them.  I guess I’m getting a little burned out on craft blogs (including mine).  They’re great and all, but sometimes they just seem a little . . .  shallow.  There’s soo much more to life and I feel like the more the kids wear me down the more spiritualness I need.   My favorite post of hers is on how she sets up her scripture journals.  If you scroll all the way to the bottom she has a handout that you can print.  Look close, I almost missed it.

(image from redheadedhostess.com)

Ack! Her handwriting is so perfect.  I am having jealousy issues!

(image from womeninthescriptures.blogspot.com)

(image from womeninthescriptures.blogspot.com)

The second one I found and love is womeninthescriptures.blogspot.com.  Heather does in depth studies on (you’ll never guess), women in the scriptures.  Awesome, right?  She really is soo super smart.  I feel like such an idiot just reading her posts.  She knows soo much!  She also has a post on how she sets up her scripture journals

So here is my scripture journal.  I had one before but I didn’t really like it and therefore, never really used it.  Ever since I read Rebecca’s post on her scripture journals I have been looking around for a new one.  I just happened to be at Barnes and Noble last week and came across these moleskine notebooks.  It’s exactly what I had in mind. 

I love that it is lined really small and has good quality paper so I can write in it with a Micron pen and it won’t bleed through.  I went through and numbered the pages and set up the table of contents on the first two pages.  More info on how to do that here.  The first thing that I put in my journal is my patriarchal blessing, since it’s my personal scripture.  There are soo many things I want to study, learn and write about in my new journal.  Crafting is good and all, and it does fill a need to create, but sometimes you just need something more.  This doesn’t mean that I won’t be posting my crafty projects or anything.  I just wanted to share with you my latest love.  Maybe it will inspire you to start a scripture journal too.

Linking to: Tatertots and Jello


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Activity Days – Heart Attack

For our activity this week we cut out hearts and wrote nice messages and {silly} poems on them for the bishopric.  I hope this teaches the girls to be appreciative of those who serve in the church.  And also, I hope when the bishop and his counselors get to church on Sunday morning that this makes them smile.  🙂

Activity Days is an LDS activity for eight to eleven year old girls. 

To learn more about my religion click here.

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Visiting Teaching

It’s the last day of the month people!  How did that happen? I could have sworn there was another week left to get visiting teaching done.  Oh well.  Here’s the little goody box and message I put together for the girls I visit teach.

I copy and pasted the message off of lds.org and put it in a cuter font and format.  If you still need to go get your visiting teaching done you can use my printable.  This would be cute attached to a Valentine’s day dish towel if you don’t want to bake a treat.{Click on the image and print it as a 5×7}

I made my favorite treat – cupcake bites!

Maddy helped.

Mmmm, they are so delicious.  The boxes were cut with my Silhouette machine. 

Alright, enough with the pictures.  I’m off to get these dropped off.  I hope they like them! 

Linking to: Today’s Creative Blog

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Valentine’s Day {CARDS}



I love these {FREE} printables off of Florabella Collection!  All you have to do to get them is “Like” Florabella Collection on facebook and you get a download of nine Valentine’s day templates.  Woot! Woot! I {LOVE} free downloads because that means I don’t have to spend hours playing around in photoshop trying to make them myself. 

I got the girls all dressed up this morning to take pictures for their cards.  Macey’s turned out really cute.  Maddy’s . . . . well, at least she is smiling.  She was pulling around on her headband so it was all skiddywampus and her OshKosh’s went all funny.  But hey, she’s ten months old, I can’t expect her to sit and pose like Macey.  At least she’s got a cute chubby face.  Last years Valentine’s card turned out cute too.  I’m thinking this photo Valentine card for daddy idea is going to be a yearly tradition.  How cute will that be in ten years from now when he has this box full of old Valentine pictures from his little girls?!

Click here to get your {FREE} printable!  (It’s under the Exclusive tab.)

Linking to: Someday Crafts, Somewhat Simple, Gluesticks

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Homemade Sofa Table

 I had a nice relaxing weekend.  How about you?  Justin didn’t.  I put that guy to work! I told him I wanted a table to put the cable box and DVD player on.  We used to have a little tv that sat at the end of our room on a cedar chest.  It was ghetto, very ghetto. And so embarrassing that I didn’t even want to take a before picture.  For Christmas we got a flat screen to put in the bedroom.  Which is kinda’ funny because we still have an old tube tv out in the living room.  But that’s besides the point.  So we get this flat screen and mount it up on the wall and down below is the cedar chest with the cable box on it.  Which is all fine and dandy until Maddy comes along (usually when I’m in the middle of a workout) and starts playing with the buttons and turns the darn thing off.  Frustrating! So this brings me to last weekend.  I told Justin I wanted a table to put the stuff on.  So he just up and does it! I know! I have the best husband ever!

This is what it looked like yesterday morning after he had spent all Saturday building this thing for me.  I put a few coats of stain on it and didn’t like it too much.  So after Justin got home from work he slathered some more coats of stain on it and now it’s just what I wanted.

Okay, I know it’s obvious that I tried to photo shop the cords out of the picture.  Those are the only things left that are driving me crazy.  Maybe on Justins next day off I can get him to put the cords in the wall. 

Isn’t it lovely though?! I love it.  I have the best husband ever!

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Crafting Can Wait

Justin was at work, Macey at school, and Maddy down for a nap.  It was finally “me time.”

I sat down at my sewing table and started to trace hearts onto fabric.

But this wasn’t what I felt like doing.  I wanted to do something else, but I didn’t know what.

I looked around the room and saw my scriptures sitting on the desk. 

I reached for them and opened up to Alma.  Alma’s always a good read. 

As I read in the quiet house I was filled with peace.  There were no earth shattering inspirations that came.  But I was filled with the spirit and was reminded once again that The Book of Mormon is true.

Crafting can wait for another day.

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