Wordless Wednesday – Little Crafter

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A {FREE} Witchy Book

Thank you Chickabug for the {FREE!} witch’s book cover download.  I love it! It fits perfectly on a book that I got at our wedding reception and haven’t picked up since.  I knew that book on relationships would come in handy someday! Haha!

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If the Broom Fits . . .

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my little machine?! I saw this picture frame on another blog this morning and I said “I need one of those,” so I made one.  Sillhouette had a cute little girl witch download which I love because it looks like a little Macey witch.  The best part about this – it cost me nothing to make! I had everything on hand.  I have to show Maceys latest favorite sillhouette project.  We did the little 3-D spider and hung it on the light fixture above the kitchen table.  So when we’re sitting down to dinner Macey says, “Oh no, the spiders going to eat our food!”  I love that kid.

I know your getting sick of seeing my little girls’ Halloween costumes, but it’s what I’m spending all of my free time working on lately – so I gotta post a picture on my progress.

Ta-da! I’ve got them hemmed up now.  Whoever made the pattern was a dingaling.  Maddys dress was six inches too long.  I knew it was way too long when I was cutting it out, but geez, six inches.  Anyways, what’s left to do now is pick the bow off of Maceys and sew it back on because it’s off center and then either do a zipper or velcro in the back of Maddys.  I can’t decided which I want.  I did get some little flower clippies made to go in their hair.

If one rhinestone is good, then three is better, right?  Anyways, if you want to make a organza flower the tutorial is here.  Blog to ya later!

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{ALMOST} Done!

Whew! I think I might get these fairy costumes done before Halloween after all!  All that’s left to do is hem the skirts (I bought a rolled hem foot today – Berninas was having a sale, I’m soo excited to use it), put in the zipper (I wanted to buy a invisible zipper foot, but even with it being on sale the darn thing was over $40, boooo), and sew bows onto the front.  I had to post a picture, they are going to be soo cute ifIdosaysomyself (plus I’m procrastinating writing my talk for church tommorow.) The girls love to try them on.  Maddy loves the sparkly organza skirt and Macey loves the “leaves.”  Can’t wait for Monday to come, I get to play with Berny some more.  The more I sew on that machine, the more I love it.  Blog to ya soon I hope.

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Start a BOO!

So I’ve been thinking about fun traditions lately, and one that was kinda fun in the neighborhood where I grew up is the BOO tradition.  I’m sure everyone knows what I’m talking about, but if you don’t, here’s how it works.  Someone ding-dong ditches a plate of goodies at your doorstep with a printout of a ghost and a poem that tells you that you need to put the ghost on your front door and take a plate of treats with same papers to two other peoples house.  Then by the time it’s Halloween pretty much everyone in the neighborhood has received a plate of treats.  It’s a fun little activity if you have little kids who like to help bake and ding-dong ditch.  Since my neighborhood didn’t already have one started I took the initiative and started one myself.  I got the printables off of this website – go ahead and start one in your neighborhood – it’s lots of fun!

When I was first thinking about starting a BOO I thought I would do a plate of sugar cookies with fancy color-flow icing on it.  But the more I got thinking about it the more I thought, if I were receiving a plate of cookies, would I want something that was really pretty but didn’t taste soo good, or would I want a plate of cookies that wasn’t so pretty but tasted yummy.  Of course the yummy won out and I ended up making Sour Cream Sugar Cookies with Cream Cheese frosting.  YUMMY!

As far as the costumes go this is as far as I’ve got . . .

I’m soo glad we picked up this table at Costco.  It’s nice to be able to leave my projects out on the table and when I get a few minutes here and there I can sit and work on it without having to set everything up again.  The bodice for Maddy’s dress is done.  I just cut out the fabric for Macey’s dress last night.  In Macey’s backpack yesterday there was a note saying that they are going to have a Halloween bash – I’m soo excited for her to wear her fairy dress to school.  Hopefully it will be done in time!

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Halloween Costumes

I don’t know what it is but for some reason having TWO kids makes holidays even more fun.  There’s something about having two little girls that makes me want to dress them up in matching fairy costumes.  Sure it would be easier to buy some cheap little dress at Target, but where’s the fun in that?  I found the {PERFECT} costume pattern at Walmart, only problem was that they were all sold out.  So I called my mom to see if she could go by Joanns (a fabric store 25 minutes away from where I live) and see if they had it in stock.  So she went and bought it for me, on marathon weekend, and got stuck in traffic for over 30 minutes.  The pattern cost double what I thought it would be even with it being 50% off. (Thanks mom for buying it for me, the girls will be fairies and princesses for Halloween every year to make up for it.)  Today I went and bought the fabric and oh what a headache it is trying to add up thirds and eighths of yards in my head.   I just can’t compute things in my head like that on only a few hours of sleep.  So after all this headache I’m hoping these costumes turn out to be pretty stinking awesome or I will be sorely disappointed.  I’m sure Macey and Maddy won’t care either way.  The costumes are mostly to feed their mommas ego and to give me an excuse to  spend some time with Berny.  I hope I can get these done before Halloween – I’m sure I’ll probably be up all night on the 30th.

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Tradition, TRADITION . . . . . . Tradition!

We have a little tradition in our family that on Sunday morning of Conference we gourge ourselves on Monkey Bread.  Mmmmm! We love this tradition and we have done it since we’ve been married.  Warning: this is NOT a low-fat healthy recipe. But it’s okay to enjoy it every six months.  As the girls get bigger I am constantly looking for more fun traditions, so if you have a fun one, please share.  Here’s the recipe for monkey bread.  Enjoy!

24 Rhodes dinner rolls. thawed but stll cold

1 (3 oz) package butterscoth pudding (not instant)

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup nuts (pecans, walnuts, whatever floats your boat)

Spray bundt pan with non-stick cooking spray.  Cut rolls in half and roll in dry pudding mix.  Arrange in pan alternately with nuts.  Sprinkle remaining pudding mix over top.  Combine brown sugr and butter; heat together until butter is melted and a syrup is formed.  Stir well.  Pour syrup over rolls.  Cover with sprayed plastic wrap.  Let rise until double in size or even with the top of the pan.  Remove wrap and bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes.  Cover with foil the last 15 minutes of bakng.  Do not underbake. Immedietly invert onto a serving platter.

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What the Craft?

A friend of mine contacted me and asked if I would make her a baby headband with an elephant trunk on it instead of a bow.  Um, sure.  You see, her brother is a big Alabama Crimson Tide fan and their mascot is an elephant.  He has a little baby girl and so my friend Jo, thought it would be fun for her to have a headband to wear on game day.  So I had to model it on Maddy before I put it in the mail just to make sure the trunk holds up okay and it looks alright.  Doesn’t she look thrilled?  I love people with a creative mind!  I would’ve never thought to stick an elephant trunk on a baby headband.  Haha!

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Green Smoothies

I have been making green smoothies for breakfast (sometimes lunch and dinner too) lately and I love them! I know the color might be a turn off to some, but once you try it you’ll love it!  I came across greensmoothiegirl.com awhile back and decided that it’s time to start eating healthier.  My mom bought me this awesome {PINK!} high powered blender and it works soo good at liquefying anything that I put in it.  You can put just about whatever kind of fruits and vegetables in your smoothie you want and it almost always turns out good.  My favorite combination is a few big handfuls of spinach, a stalk of celery, three or four strawberries, a banana or two, soy milk, a splash of flax seed oil just for the heck of it (and to help lower Justin’s cholesterol) and it turns out delicious!  It has a very mild fruity flavor.  If you want to see a demo of how to do it greensmoothiegirl.com has a video of it on her website.  Happy green smoothie drinking to ya!

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Christmas is a Commin’ Up!

So, this is what I’m working on right now.  Justin had a stack of T-shirts that he doesn’t wear anymore but he couldn’t give them up because they are his favorite.  The solution? A T-shirt quilt.  I made one for my little brother a few years ago and he loved it.  So I’m going to make one for Justin for Christmas. 

My little brother had a lot more T-shirts to work with, but I think I’ll make Justins quilt bigger by doing a few rows of flannel for filler.  So anyways, that’s what I’m working on right now. 🙂

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