{FANCY} Piggy Bow

I bought the cutest shirts yesterday at Old Navy for the girls.  So of course that means they need bows to match!  I came up with this cute bow this morning and thought I’d share the step-by-step with ya.

Make a basic piggy bow with 7/8 inch grosgrain ribbon using these instructions.  Don’t tie a knot in the center.  But do seal the ends of your ribbon.

Then with 1/8 inch grosgrain ribbon, make a little loop and hot glue it down.

And do another loop and glue it down.

Keep going until it’s as {FANCY} and full as you want it!

Put a dob of hot glue in the center and put buttons, rhinestones, or my favorite – pearls.

Glue your loopy flower on top of your piggy bow.  Then flip it over and glue a lined hair clip to the back. And your done!!

Happy bow making to ya!

Linking to: Someday Crafts,   Creative Itch

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Crayon Rolls

I’m soo excited for Macey! She gets to go to her first “friend” birthday party tomorrow for TWO girls that are in her sunbeam class.  The invite said to only bring one present but I figure that since these aren’t anything big and fancy that one for each girl will be just fine.  I was bummed that the local whatevermart only had one Strawberry Shortcake coloring book.  Geesh, that totally ruined my whole Strawberry Shortcake theme.  Shortcake is totally better than Cinderella.  It was nice to get out Berny and do some sewing while Maddy was down for a nap today.  The pattern for the crayon rolls came from Skip to my Lou.

Isn’t summer the best!  Maddy is 15 months old and she has no fear when it comes to the splash pad – she loves to run through the middle.  She would stay there all day if she could!  I’m enjoying having Macey home from school, but that means not as much time for making things.  Sorry I’m slow at posting things, but family time is more important!  I hope you all are having a great summer too!

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Activity Days – Satin Bows

For Activity Days we made satin flower bows.  I was trying to think of something flowery the girls could put in their hair and wear.  I have the eight and nine year old group so they are starting to grow out of the bow in their hair thing, but I thought maybe if they were fancy enough they would like them.  They did!  I asked that each girl bring their own fabric scissors if they could (I had a pair for the girls to share that didn’t bring them) and then gave each girl a square of satin fabric. I had two candles and two hot glue guns.  I was in charge of helping the girls with the candles and the other leader was in charge of helping them with the glue guns.  So after they cut out their circles (a small, medium and large) they would bring it over to the candle area and we would singe it around the edges.  I had tweezers for the girls to keep their fingers away from the flame, but I learned they don’t have good hand strength (or maybe just lack of coordination?) but they kept dropping their petals into the wax.  They didn’t ever catch on fire like I was worried about, but I had a spray bottle on the table just in case.  So I took over halfway through and just had the girls bring me their petals and then I would singe them on the edges and send them on down to glue them together.  I had rhinestones and buttons that they could choose from for the center.

I loved the turquoise and pink combos.  These girls are soo creative when it comes to colors!

I had enough clips for each girl to make two flowers.  That seemed to be just right for the amount of time that we had. We had popsicles for refreshments since we did our activity outside the church. The girls had a great time!

Activity Days is an LDS activity for eight to eleven year old girls.

To learn more about my religion click here.

Linking to: Tatertots & Jello

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Sweet Miss Macey

I wish I could just bottle Macey up and keep her at this age forever.  She is such a sweet (mostly) little girl.  She picks wildflowers to give to me and tries her hardest to be a good big sister.  She loves to wear necklaces, bracelets and bows – the more the better.  Her face is dirty from a cookie she just ate and she has on a fruit-loop necklace that she made at church.  She was content to sit and watercolor a picture on Sunday afternoon and proud to show it off when she was done.

These are the moments . . .  and I could not ask for more.

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Coupon Crazy

I apologize for being such a slacker blogger!  When I get a few minutes to be on the computer I am always looking at coupon blogs and printing out coupons for my next shopping trip – so I haven’t had much time for blogging!  After a few months of coupon shopping I am getting my food storage pantry built up a little bit.

There’s a whole lot more in my regular pantry in the kitchen, this is just the hallway where I keep all the excess.  It’s fun to go shopping and fill up a cart of groceries and not spend hardly anything for it.  I wish I would have never stopped couponing after Macey was born – just thinking about how much money I could have saved during those years drives me nuts.  But, onwards and upwards! I’m doing good at saving money now and that’s all that matters.  One of my favorite things is the bin of toiletries we have in the bathroom.

Everything was free or under a dollar (like the pull-up wipes were sixty cents a piece, but they are awesome for the diaper bag because I don’t have a whole huge wipes container in there) and the deodorants were twenty cents or so.  Not pictured is all the free pantyliners and regular size toothpastes I have.  So that’s what I’ve been up to lately.  I need to find some balance though and get making some more cute bows and quilts and things.  Thanks for sticking around and hopefully I’ll get some fun posts up soon!

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Scripture Stickers – Adobe File

I just wanted to let everyone know that I (actually Justin did it for me) put the original scripture sticker file on the blog post about them.  There were two people that let me know that they didn’t get a good quality pdf file download (I don’t know why) so I added the original adobe photoshop file to my blog for anyone else that might have had the same issue.  Here’s the link to it:

Click here -> Scripture Stickers

I love my scripture stickers and I hope you do to!

To learn more about my religion click here.

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Summer Fun! Macaroni Necklace

I’ve learned that Macey loves to color and make things.  So I thought she would enjoy making colorful macaroni necklaces.  I was right, she loved it.  I took pictures to share with you in case you’ve never colored macaroni before.  Here’s what you need to make them:

Rubbing alcohol,  food dye (neon is fun!), macaroni and dishes to mix them in.

You just pour the alcohol (about a 1/4 to 1/2 cup) into each dish and then squirt in as much food color as you want.  Mix it up with forks and then pour your macaroni in very carefully so you don’t splash yourself.

Once we got the color that we wanted we put them onto a cookie sheet to dry.  The good thing about rubbing alcohol is that it doesn’t take very long to dry.  The bad thing was I had to open the window, it smelled too strong!

Once they were dry we just strung them onto yarn.  Macey had a lot of fun.  As she was making them she kept saying, “Grammy’s going to love this one.”  I hope she doesn’t expect Grammy to wear it around town.  Funny kid!

Linking to: Craft-O-Maniac, Beneath Rowan Tree

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Puffy Chile Rellenos Casserole

Puffy chile rellenos casserole is a Morgan family favorite dish so I thought I’d share it with ya’ll.  I made it last night to try and use up the green chiles we got in our Bountiful Basket.  I also cooked up some of the corn on the cob that was in the basket to go along with it and it was a great meal.  Here’s the recipe:

3 cans whole green chilies (5 or 6 chilies, seeded and sliced open)

3 or 4 wheat tortillas, cut into one inch strips and cut to the length of your casserole dish

1 cup mozzarella cheese

1 cup cheddar cheese

7 or 8 eggs

1/2 cup milk

1/4 t. garlic powder

1/4 t. ground cumin

1/4 t. pepper

1/8 t. salt

1/2 t. paprika

Cut along the side of the green chili and open it to lie flat, rinse all the seeds out.  Coat a 8×8 dish with cooking spray.  Put down a layer of chilies on the bottom, then a layer of tortilla strips, mozzarella an cheddar cheese.  Repeat the layers (like a lasagna).  In a bowl beat the eggs, milk, garlic powder, cumin, pepper and salt.  Pour over the baking dish.  Sprinkle the top with paprika.  Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes.  Serve with salsa, sour cream, guacamole, or whatever you like.

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Summer Fun Poster

Today is the first day that Macey doesn’t have to go to school.  I decided I needed to have a plan this summer to keep her occupied and learning.   So this is what I came up with, a summer fun poster.  The plan is to print out what our activity is going to be for the next day and then change it out after she goes to bed.  That way when she wakes up in the morning she can be excited about what new activity we are going to do that day.   Today is kind of a boring day, I’ve got chores to do, so we are just going to make a quick trip to the library and pick out some new books for the week.

When things get a little warmer we will get out the kiddie pool and fill it up.  I have a whole list of possible activities.  I think it’s going to be a pretty fun summer.

The activity and word of the week papers are just stuck on there with Handitack.  I posted about the You Can Read program earlier.  That’s where I’m getting the word of the week words from.  I’m hoping we can make it through the whole series before Macey goes back to school in the fall.  We’ll spend about thirty minutes a day working on a reading packet.  Her brain is like a little sponge. I’m just hoping I can keep her busy with learning activities so she’s ready to go when school starts again.

Macey {LOVES} her Summer Fun poster!  I’m excited to do lots of fun things with her this summer!

Linking to:  Craft-O-ManiacSkip to my Lou

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End-of-Year Teacher Gift

Tomorrow is the last day of school.  I made up a little something to send with Macey for her teachers and bus drivers.  At the local grocery store they were having a sale on candy bars, plus I had coupons so they came out to twenty five cents a piece.  Sshh, don’t tell the teacher I’m a cheapskate.  I love a good deal!

I cut out pillow boxes and flowers with my silhouette machine.

Here’s the finished product!  Not too shabby for only spending five dollars!

Linking to: Ladybird Ln.

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